Αφυδατωμένη επιδερμίδα: 3 λυσεις εξπρές για τέλειο δέρμα


Alcohol-free, moisturizing products can help prevent dry skin from developing.

bathing suits during the summer, it's hard to hide any flaws — flaky, dry skin being one of them. Unlike winter's bulky turtlenecks and baggy corduroys, summer's style follows the skin-is-in theory. So how do you avoid dry skin, or xerosis, in the summer and keep your skin looking great in that itsy, bitsy, polka-dot bikini?

Skip Dry Skin This Summer: Preventive Tips and Tactics

Lucky for you, winter is much worse for dry skin than summer. That's because steamy summer humidity keeps moisture in the air. Think of your skin as a sponge — the more moisture and oils it can retain, the less likely it will dry or crack.

"In general, summer is a better time than winter for dry skin — if you just behave yourself," says Rox Anderson, MD, professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Summer can still assault skin, especially if you live in a dry, low-humidity climate, like the Southwest. Here are the common culprits of summer that can make your skin go from smooth and supple to parched and scaly:

  • Sun exposure. When the weather turns warm, it seems like everyone jumps outdoors to catch some rays. But sun exposure can do real damage. If you're fair skinned and get a series of sunburns that peel, your skin will feel dried out, lose protection against skin care, and show signs of aging sooner. Prevent dry skin by limiting direct sun exposure and wearing alcohol-free sunblock and lip balm with at least an SPF of 15, a large-brimmed hat, and protective clothing.
  • Harsh soaps and solvents. Many chemicals in bug repellents and solvents, which you might use for gardening projects, can be irritating and make skin feel dry and itchy. Natural moisturizers and oils in the skin dissolve away with harsh soaps and alcohol-based products. Use mild cleansers with moisturizing properties that are free of fragrances and dyes, which can irritate skin further.
  • Bathing and swimming. It might seem counterintuitive that water would cause dry skin, especially since humidity seems to help the condition. However, hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils very quickly. Chlorine in pools is a harsh chemical that can also pull out moisture quickly, especially bad for frequent swimmers, who frequently jump from the pool to the shower. The best way to protect your skin is to avoid chlorine as much as possible, and to take short, warm showers or baths to rinse off skin. There are also new lotions and products available to swimmers, which claim to neutralize chlorine and block chemicals from drying the skin.
  • Shaving. However embarrassing dry skin can be in the summer, stubble can be just as bad. The problem with shaving is that it can irritate skin, and some shaving creams and gels have ingredients, like alcohol, that dry skin. Protect skin by always using a fresh blade, and don't shave quite as close if you have sensitive skin. Choose alcohol-free creams and gels with moisturizers, and shave in the direction in which the hair grows.
  • Air conditioning. Resist cranking up the air conditioner as high as it will go. Your air conditioner pulls humidity out of the air, thus triggering dry skin.

Remember to keep moisturizing this summer — after showering, shaving, even washing the dishes. If dry skin becomes increasingly itchy, painful, or inflamed, no matter what season, it's best to see your dermatologist.