«Φέτες» η Ανέτ Αρτάνι μετά τη γέννα: Έχασε 22,5 κιλά σε 8 μήνες [photo]

Η Ανέτ Αρτάνι, η τραγουδίστρια που γνωρίσαμε μέσα από το Fame Story, έχασε όλα τα κιλά της εγκυμοσύνης και είναι πιο φιτ από ποτέ.

Σε μια εκτενή ανάρτησή της στο Instagram, η Αρτάνι εξηγεί πόσο άσχημα ένιωθε για το σώμα της μετά τη γέννα και πως κατάφερε να χάσει 22,5 κιλά σε 8 μήνες.

A few months ago I said 'no' to going away to a very much needed vacation, because I was too embarrassed to put on a bikini. I was so aware of the extra weight I was carrying from the pregnancy that I let it run my decisions in life. I said no to so many things for no reason other than the fact that I was judging myself. I realized that the other day as I saw a woman just walking around in broad daylight with her flabby stomach hanging out, when I judged her for a second and then caught myself. This woman was So confident that she didn't give a crap about you or me. She wasn't even at the beach , but she was wearing that bikini like she was a goddess. It's clear that She loved herself. And it starts from there. You have to love who you are when you're flabby and when you're fit, because us women are the miracles that create life in these imperfect vessels. And we are the ones who should inspire each other. 50 lbs down in 8 months, one month shy of how long it took to create the most amazing miracle of all, my son. And to anyone who is on the path to fitness, learn to be better and stronger and don't do the idiotic things I did before I got here. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself on your journey as you are RIGHT now. #getinspired #bodypositive #fitmom #fitnessjourney #annetartani #traininghard With @lilianavanlaar 💪🏼

A photo posted by ☆Annet Artani☆ (@annetaki) on